Welcome from our SEND Coordinators
At our Academy we understand that applying to a new school is a big undertaking, and can feel especially daunting if your child has a special educational need or disability (SEND).
As Ark Victoria's SEND Coordinators, we will work closely with you, your child, and our school staff to create a learning environment where your child can make exceptional progress and fulfil their potential. As an inclusive school we provide an education which:
- has high expectations of every pupil, including those with SEND
- is broad and balanced with full access to the National Curriculum
- provides all reasonable adjustments necessary for every student to feel comfortable and supported in their daily school life
- provides careful assessment and close monitoring of each individual's progress
- recognises and celebrates achievement in all its forms
- enables every student to become a full, independent and positive member of the community
Please review the links below to see the full range of support we can offer and if you have any questions in the meantime, please get in contact with us.
Assistant Headteacher/SEND
Mr Miller
Primary Deputy Headteacher/SEND
Miss Green
Secondary Operational SENDCO
Mr Hussain
Primary operational SENCo