We're proud to offer a range of performing arts activities including:
- instrument lessons for all pupils
- a wide range of enrichment clubs
- opportunities to perform in the community at events such as festivals and celebrations
- whole school concerts and performances
We also benefit from being part of the Ark Schools Network and their excellent network-wide music programme. Designed to foster a life-long love of music, the Ark Music Programme offers a wealth of experience for all pupils at all levels, including an annual Music Gala where pupils have the opportunity to perform at a national level.
Annie 2024
“To see the cast have so much fun and perform with such professionalism created a feeling of pride for everyone involved. So much talent and enthusiasm was spread across the cast and crew and really made our production of “Annie” a joy to watch.”

Christmas Concert 2023
AVA students and staff members brought holiday cheer with the magical Christmas Concert.
The two productions of the Concert were sold out and audience members enjoyed wonderful, exciting, and diverse performances in a 360° audio experience. The performances showcased talents from 130 AVA students from year 3 through year 11.

Aladdin 2022
We are incredibly proud of the cast and team behind our school production of Aladdin - such a lot of talent. What a fun and engaging show! Well done to everyone involved.