Red Nose Day 2023

Ark Victoria Academy fundraises for Red Nose Day.
Red Nose Nation poster

Ark Victoria Academy will be fundraising for Red Nose Day on Friday 17th March. Pupils will be able to take part in a range of exciting activities. 

We will be having a non-uniform day where students can make a £1 donation to raise money for the Comic Relief charity. Primary students can purchase a red nose at school for £2.50. 

The afternoon will consist of an assembly and a range of fun activities for pupils to take part in to raise awareness of this important charity and its purpose. 

Secondary Pupils will have the chance to spend money on charity stalls and confectionary sales (all proceeds going to charity) throughout the day so please ensure that your child has small change with them if they would like to take part in this.

There is also a link to the Comic Relief donations page on Parent Pay, should you wish to donate online.